Sunday, April 19, 2009

Seventh Topic : Media Imperialism

Critical Reflection : Media Imperialism
1. From what i can conlcude after watching the video on The Power of Nightmares (Part 3 – Shadow in the Cave) is that the 9/11 incident has left a big impression on world terrorism. The goverment of the United States are trying their best to protect their nation from being exposed to this danger. After all the actions of sending American troops to the middle east to find Osama, none of those missions were successful. In fact I sometimes wonder if all the accusation about Osama hideouts and military base inside a mountain really do exist.

2.I understand that the nation is extremely cautious of international terrorism and trying to do the best that they probably could be in safe zone. In fact countries all over the world are taking precautionary actions towards this matter but i believe that sometimes people are assuming and expecting the worse to happen which is probably the best way to be cautious but at times when it is done without any source of information and evidence to the truths of the incident can give a big impact on what actions to be taken. For example we cannot just enter a country where you think thats where the terrorist is hiding without the knowledge of where this person really is. Further investigation needs to be done to refrain from making a big damage.

Personal Reflection on the Class.

For this week, we were presented with a video titled The Power of Nightmares (Part 3 – Shadow in the Cave). The length of video is almost 1 hour, i almost bore myself. But i manage to get a few info regarding the video. From what i can digest from this video is that, politician are very much involved in the situation of keeping the country save from terrorist attack. But sometimes I feel that the politician themselves are continuously assuming too much. Like what the video mentioned at the end, "Politicians are creating strange fantasies" really hits me that maybe all this while it has all been on their mind that they are doing such actions.

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