Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fifth Topic : Obscenity, Pornography and Indecency

Obscenity, pornography and indecency: What are the differences between these terms?

Critical Reflection : The meaning of Obscenity, Pornography and Indecency.
  • Obscenity-- Something, such as a word, act, or expression, that is indecent or lewd.
  • Pornography-- Literature, pictures, films etc that are indecent in a sexual way.
  • Indecency-- The state or quality of being unseemly or immodest.
Meaning taken from ""

1. All these 3 terms seem be alike. However, each one of them carries a specific meaning distinctly.
Obscenity is actually to describe the behavior of displaying or depicting sexually offensive pictures or wordings. Majority of them are shown on some foreign reading materials and tee shirts, and due to the current era which is getting more open-minded, these works are commonly acceptable.
Pornography is more like a depiction of some naked people posing or performing sexual acts in videos or pictures in order to arouse people's erotic desire or pleasure. Some countries like Japan see this kind of production as the main source of income, however, it is illegal to produce in Malaysia.
While for indecency, it is to be explained as the exposure of acts or gestures which has breached the border line of morality. Some of these commitment of acts are against the law (exposure of private part in public unreasonably) while some of them will only arouse disagreement of other parties (an inappropriate outfit).

2. The similarity of all these 3 terms is that all of them are able to be found through media, like TV and computer. To me, it might be kind of cool to have some obscene wording on the tee shirt, however all of these sources bring nothing else but harm. It might jeopardize kids' mind with these pictures or videos as it can be easily accessed through internet. Therefore, to me, it is supposed to be banned everywhere regardless of movie, internet or what so ever as it's no fair to publish all these for the sake of sexual satisfaction of certain parties.

Personal Reflection On The Class
Well, class for this week has nothing important to be mentioned about as it was mainly about the briefing on our second assignment. So, yea.

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